Zincanneal & Zincseal

Zincanneal & Zincseal is formed by modifying galvanised steel through a heat treatment process which forms a protective zinc/iron coating. This allows it to have a super smooth finish which is beneficial where surfacing specifics are crucial, while also not being as susceptible to rust. Zincanneal & Zincseal is commonly used for applications in Machinery, Commercial Equipment and Automotive Parts.

Laser Wizard stock multiple finishes and thicknesses of Zincanneal & Zincseal

Zincanneal & Zincseal

Available from .9mm to 3mm

Zincanneal & Zincseal Projects


Laser Wizard has provided our company with high levels of service, high levels of quality and competitive pricing for many years now. There lighting fast turn around times and ability to react quickly, to our changing priorities. Have enabled us limit stock outs during peak sales periods. I am very grateful to laser wizard and look forward to continuing this relationship for many years to come.

Matthew James

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ABN: 90 086 151 322

Address: 8 Anne Street, St Marys, NSW, 2760